The Klangauge is tuned to pentatonic scales.
Most people find any sequence of notes in the pentatonic scale to be harmonious. Even playing all the notes in the scale at the same time creates an ethereal, melodic polyphony. Consequently, the Klangauge is very easy to play for anyone, even if they have no musical training. Yes, really, anyone can play it!
What makes the Klangauge special is the fact that the tuning can be changed. The tuning of every Klangauge can be switched between F major and E minor. Within just one minute, the instrument can be retuned from major to minor or back again. Every single note is also tunable and can be retuned again and again – it’s quick to do and you can easily do it for yourself.
To make this possible, every Klangauge comes with a basic set of tuning magnets.
» More than 50 further tunings with the extra set of magnets
Hz = cycles per second
As the Klangauge is tunable, the Hertz frequency can also be changed at will.
» Order a tunable Klangauge now